Strategic Effects Consulting


We analyze. We build. We solve.

Observing and then understanding is critical in determining the best action plans. Repetition and adjustments are also key.

At KMC, we focus on impact: how are our efforts (your investment) driving you toward the results you need? Fundamentally, we never approach an engagement with a solution in hand. We observe and then better orient ourselves through a series of questions. Often times this involves Challenging The Status Quo ™. Through these approaches, we can then create Decision Paths (or opportunities) to evaluate. These steps allow for prioritization of activities and alignment on the team, setting us up for Implementation / Action / Execution, where we follow the path, but then repeat the steps by continuing to Observe once again.

Operational & Process Improvement

A growth mindset must be focused on continuous improvement.

At KMC, we know the importance and value of Operational Excellence. Gains in this area start with the mindset of continuous improvement. Incremental gains drive huge long-term impacts. Immediate gains will impact organizations in different ways. KMC knows how to manage both.

If someone asks, “Why do you do it this way?” and you answer, “That’s the way we’ve always done it,” then you’ve just identified an area where we can help.

Operational & Process Improvement Diagram
Learning Business Maturity Model

Business Maturity Model

Maturity of business processes evolves over time and efficiencies will be gained from this maturity.

Evaluation provides insights. And without new insights, your organization can’t grow.

Stage 1: STATIC = No clear vision,
Stage 2: REACTIVE = Vision but no buy-in,
Stage 3: PROACTIVE = Vision embraced,
Stage 4: INNOVATIVE = Vision shared by top organizational leaders clear accountability & transition plans culture of learning

Program Managment

If you want your initiatives to succeed, you must be consistent in how you execute.

At KMC, our team understands how to manage programs and stakeholders at every level.

Key element for program success are leadership alignment and clear direction, sponsorship, capability development and engagement, and finally, measure and adjust.

Program Management<br />
KMC Sales Funnel Graphic<br />

Integrated Digital (Marketing) Strategies

Only after adjusting the perspective of your Sales Funnel, will you gain the right perspective

At KMC, we look at things differently. Take our approach to an Integrated Digital Marketing Strategy. It is designed to better align Sales strategies to Marketing strategies. Goals should be targets. And approaches should be discussed on how to best guide someone through the sales process.

So much of today’s marketing content is still focused only on the top of the Sales Funnel – on Awareness.
In the sales process, those potential customers’ needs change and your marketing content must address that.

Social Media Capability Development

Your best social media marketing efforts will be realized after you build an employee advocacy program.

At KMC, we love building new capabilities for our clients. And everyone’s marketing efforts should be tied to Employee Advocacy Programs on social media. Our philosophy is not centered on B2B or B2C, but rather H2H or Human to Human. Afterall, people buy from people. And in most cases, from people they know and trust.

We start with a digital audit to determine what you are doing well and no-so well in order to customize a program to meet your needs. These are often anchored around customer events, tradeshows and the release of white papers and new product offerings.

KMC Social Media Capability Development Graphic
KMC RACI Chart Graphic

RACI Chart

Providing clarity on roles and responsibilities within a project or organization, helps to ensure accountability and avoids confusion or job overlaps.

At KMC, we know that fundamentals count. Simple exercises such as those focused on creating RACI charts can help discover overlaps as well as missed points of connection. RACI’s are one of the key frameworks needed to deliver operational excellence.

Raising Bar with Social Media

Traditional marketing efforts were more stand alone; whereas, a truly Integrated Social Media Program will continually raise the foundation of your starting point.

Traditional Marketing > Cyclical campaigns and press announcements yield transactional relationships

Social-driven Marketing > Value-add products/services, supported by campaigns and social interaction, yield sustained relationships, helping to inspire loyalty and advocacy

Operational & Process Improvement Diagram
KMC SIPOC graphic


Visualizing and understanding the high-level process flow and interdependencies of a system, making it easier to identify opportunities for improvement and ensure alignment across teams.

SIPOC Diagrams help companies stream line operations and define mission critical activities. When coupled with RACI Diagrams (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed), companies gain powerful tools for truly understanding their processes and those impacted by the work.